Siting Criteria

siting criteria

The considerations shown below are intended to guide initial site assessment. Local fish passage regulations and the specific nature of the host stream will guide a final screen design, along with other site-specific requirements.

  • The proposed site must be located off-channel and flow to the screen controlled with a properly functioning head gate.
  • There must be sufficient flow entering the screen to ensure 5 to 10% of the diversion is returned to stream as bypass flow.
  • Water at the leading edge of the screen must uniformly flowing at 4-6 feet per second. A straight flume ten times longer than the width of the screen’s leading edge will generally create this even flow.
  • A drop in water surface elevation of 8 to 12 inches between the source flow and tailwater flow is required to run the screen. (Note: May be greater based on depth requirements over the screen and size of screen)
  • The host stream must not back up the fish return.
  • The screen area can be estimated at 6 square feet per cfs of screened flow. The footprint of the structure is generally twice the screen area.

For more information

This siting criteria is available to download for a more detailed explanation. Tours of existing Farmers Screen installations, model demonstrations, and in person presentations are available to people interested in learning more about the innovative fish screening technology.

If you would like help in evaluating your site conditions, FCA has an easy-to-use questionnaire that addresses these and all other relevant site issues.

These considerations are intended to guide initial site assessment only. Local fish passage regulations and the specific nature of the host stream will guide a final screen design along with other site-specific requirements.